A virtual curriculum vitæ.
University of Washington, Seattle
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering
December 2018
Dissertation: New Methods for Seismic Performance Evaluation and Retrofit of Nonductile Concentrically Braced Frames
University of Washington, Seattle
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
December 2014
Thesis: Seismic Performance of Chevron Concentrically Braced Frames with Weak Beams
North Carolina State University, Raleigh
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Minor in Environmental Science
May 2012
Honors: Valedictorian, summa cum laude, University Scholars Program
The University of Auckland
Certificate of Proficiency – Overseas (Study Abroad)
July 2011–November 2011
Assistant Professor | August 2020–present |
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI | |
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering | |
Postdoctoral Scholar | September 2018–July 2020 |
University of Washington, Seattle | |
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Pregnolato, M., Winter, A. O., Mascarenas, D., Sen, A. D., Bates, P., and Motley, M. R. (2022). “Assessing flooding impact to riverine bridges: an integrated analysis.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-22-1559-2022.
Tan, Q., Lehman, D. E., Roeder, C. W., Berman, J. W., Sen, A. D., and Wu, B. (2021). “Design-parameter study on seismic performance of chevron-configured SCBFs with yielding beams.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2021.106561.
Asada, H., Sen, A. D., Li, T., Berman, J. W., Lehman, D. E., and Roeder, C. W. (2020). “Seismic performance of chevron-configured special concentrically braced frames with yielding beams.” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(15). https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.3320.
Roeder, C. W., Sen, A. D., Asada, H., Ibarra, S. M., Lehman, D. E., Berman, J. W., Tsai, K. C., Tsai, C. Y., Wu, A. C., Wang, K. J., and Liu, R. (2019). “Inelastic behavior and seismic design of multistory chevron-braced frames with yielding beams.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2019.105817.
Roeder, C. W., Sen, A. D., Terpstra, C., Ibarra, S. M., Liu, R., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2019). “Effect of beam yielding on chevron braced frames.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2019.04.044.
Sen, A. D., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2019). “Nonlinear modeling of concentrically braced frames.” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2019.02.007.
Li, T., Marafi, N. A., Sen, A. D., Berman, J. W., Eberhard, M. O., Lehman, D. E., and Roeder, C. W. (2019). “Seismic performance of concentrically braced frames in deep basins during subduction-zone earthquakes.” Engineering Structures, 188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.02.057.
Sen, A. D., Swatosh, M. A., Ballard, R., Sloat, D., Johnson, M. M., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2017). “Development and evaluation of seismic retrofit alternatives for older concentrically braced frames.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(5). http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001738.
Sen, A. D., Roeder, C. W., Berman, J. W., Lehman, D. E., Li, C. H., Wu, A. C., and Tsai, K. C. (2016). “Experimental investigation of chevron concentrically braced frames with yielding beams.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(12). http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001597.
Sen, A. D., Sloat, D., Ballard, R., Johnson, M. M., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2016). “Experimental investigation of the seismic vulnerability of braces and connections in older concentrically braced frames.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(9). http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001507.
Sen, A. D., Sumearll, J., Lehman, D. E., and Lowes, L. N. (2021). “Retrospective evaluation of earthquake-damaged reinforced-concrete buildings using practical methods.” Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, October 2021.
Sen, A. D., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2021). “Seismic performance evaluation and retrofit of nonductile concentrically braced frames.” Proceedings of the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, October 2021.
Pregnolato, M., Bates, P., Winter, A. O., Mascarenas, D., Sen, A. D., and Motley, M. R. (2020). “An integrated impact analysis for riverine bridges subjected to high river flows.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Sapporo, Japan, June 2020 (postponed).
Sen, A. D., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2018). “Seismic performance of nonductile and retrofitted concentrically braced frame buildings.” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 2018.
Sen, A. D., Swatosh, M. A., Ballard, R., Johnson, M. M., Sloat, D., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2018). “Seismic evaluation and retrofit of vulnerable concentrically braced frames.” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 2018.
Lehman, D. E., Sen, A. D., Sloat, D., Roeder, C. W., and Berman, J. W. (2018). “Revised ASCE-41 modeling recommendations for concentrically braced frames.” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 2018.
Sen, A. D., Cakir, R., and Marafi, N. A. (2018). “Seismic risk assessment and educational outreach for schools in Central Washington.” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 2018.
Roeder, C. W., Terpstra, C., Ibarra, S., Sen, A. D., Liu, R., Li, T., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2018). “Chevron braced rames with yielding beams: Experimental and numerical evaluations of performance.” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 2018.
Marafi, N. A., Li, T., Sen, A. D., Berman, J. W., Eberhard, M. O., Lehman, D. E., and Roeder, C. W. (2018). “Accounting for demand variability of braced frames with a combined intensity measure.” Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June 2018.
Sen, A. D., Roeder, C. W., Berman, J. W., Lehman, D. E., Tsai, K. C., Li, C. H., and Wu, A. C. (2017). “Seismic performance of chevron braced frames with yielding beams.” Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.
Sen, A. D., Swatosh, M. A., Sloat, D., Johnson, M. M., Ballard, R., Berman, J. W., Lehman, D. E., and Roeder, C. W. (2017). “Seismic vulnerability and rehabilitation of older concentrically braced frames.” Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, January 2017.
Sen, A. D., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2015). “How big is that beam? Revisited.” Structure Magazine, pp. 27–29, July 2015.
Sen, A. D., Pan, L., Sloat, D., Roeder, C. W., Berman, J. W., Lehman, D. E., Tsai, K. C., Li, C. H., and Wu, A. C. (2014). “Numerical and experimental assessment of chevron braced frames with weak beams.” Proceedings of the 10th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, AK, July 2014.
Lehman, D. E., Sen, A. D., Roeder, C. W., and Berman, J. W. (2016). “Performance of special and non-seismic concentrically braced frames.” 2016 SEAOC Convention Proceedings, Maui, HI, October 2016.
Sen, A. D., Ballard, R., Sloat, D., Johnson, M. M., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2015). “Evaluation and retrofit of older concentrically braced frames.” Proceedings of the 2nd ATC-SEI Conference on Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures, San Francisco, CA, December 2015.
Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., Berman, J. W., and Sen, A. D. (2015). “Seismic performance evaluation of concentrically braced steel frames.” Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Steel Structures, Jeju, Korea, November 2015.
Sen, A. D., Sloat, D., Pan, L., Roeder, C. W., Lehman, D. E., and Berman, J. W. (2013). “Evaluation of the seismic performance of two-story concentrically braced frames with weak beams.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Advanced in Experimental Structural Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2013.
Associate Member, American Society of Civil Engineers
Educator Member, American Institute of Steel Construction
Member, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Member, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Engineering Intern, State of North Carolina, 2012